Saturday, June 25, 2011

Radiator maintenance is Periodically performed

There are some things that most often lead to leaks in the radiator.Namely: corrosion (rust), collision (either due to collision or due to hit the radiator fan switch). Especially for the fiber material, other causes are heat and pressure of water in the radiator.

Radiator maintenance is Periodically performed

Due to these causes, it may be voids or gaps formed in the plates (fiber), the radiator where the water was seeping out. Because the leaky radiator, the cooling system is not working properly. As a result, the engine temperature was not controlled and there was overheating when the engine continues to be forced to work without cooling.We certainly had memorized when the engine overheating.Because of the heat that exceeds tolerance, the engine may not sound normal, less powerful, wasteful of fuel, even broke down while driving in the middle of the road. Too bad, right? Before experiencing problems like that, Anticipate the occurrence of leaks in the radiator. Prevention can be done by treating the cooling system. For this, there are a few tips that we recommend: 1.Perform regular checks on water radiator reserve tank. If the surface water in the tank below the MIN, add soon. If you've looked dirty and looks cloudy, drain and replace with a new radiator water.2. Use a special radiator fluid when filling the radiator (coolant). In addition to helping the cooling process, in the liquid also contained a substance that can reduce corrosion on the radiator and engine.Corrosion and dirt on the cooling water is not very good because it can interfere with the cooling process. We suggest using a water glycol coolant manifold ethlylene high quality. 3. Clean the radiator grille with a spray water on the radiator fins. 4. Check the possibility of leaks in both hoses and radiator. Hose leaks can be monitored manually by looking at the presence or absence of droplets. But, to check for leaks in the radiator must use a special tool (shh or special service tools.) Radiator your motor will be checked with this tool when it comes to workshops. 5. Condition of radiator and cooling system performance will be more awake if you routinely perform periodic servicing.

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